Saturday, June 10, 2006

Travel tips

I begin my travels with my companion, my ever resourceful and inquisitive cousin, Saurabh. The quest - find and document NGOs and grassroots organizations that are making a difference, particularly in the rural employment sector. Whenever I travel, I try to be as environmentally and socially responsible as possible.

The rules of travel are:

- Be as natural as possible in your personal product use. Use bio-degradable soaps, etc.
- Don't accept plastic bags!! Also, don't buy anything with plastic wrapping - no packaged foods, etc.
- Always travel by non-AC - how will you get to meet interesting people, otherwise?
- Travel by public transport whenever possible.
- Buy art from local artisans - support the local entrepreneurs!
- Respect the local culture - meet as many interesting people as you can. Be patient and make conversation wherever you are.


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